31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

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Opioids Addiction TreatmentFind Recovery

Seeking help for opioid abuse can be daunting, but you are not alone in this struggle. Addiction is a treatable medical condition, and there's no shame in reaching out for assistance. Our compassionate team is here to offer support and dedicated care personalized for your unique physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.


Reclaim Your Life

Understanding Opioids Addiction

Understanding the science of addiction is crucial—as opioids disrupt the brain’s reward system which leads to dependency and makes stopping incredibly challenging. Opioid addiction is a critical global issue that’s touching the lives of many, with over 128 Americans dying daily from overdoses and 27 million people worldwide suffering from opioid use disorders. 

  • How Does Addiction Begin?

    It can stem from genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and psychological issues. Trauma, prenatal exposure to substances, and malnutrition during early development may increase the risk of developing addiction.

  • More Than Rehab: Become Who You Are Supposed to Be

    If you or a loved one has faced setbacks after attending a treatment center or program, don't lose hope. We offer a fresh start with powerful evidence-based recovery strategies that address the whole person for their opioids treatment.

Journey to Renewal

Overcoming Addiction with Us

Our compassionate and skilled staff swiftly navigates you out of crisis, establishes stability, and through our integrative approach—builds a solid foundation for enduring sobriety and health. Our philosophy is to treat the root causes of the disease of addiction. Here are just some of the modalities we integrate. 

Psychotherapy: Individual/Group

Psychotherapy sessions led by trained clinicians help clients share experiences, explore emotions, and address addiction-related struggles.

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino Acid Therapy uses specific amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins, to help regulate brain chemistry and alleviate cravings and other discomfort associated with addiction and early recovery.

12-Step Meetings

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)/ Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings follow a proven 12-step program that helps individuals develop coping strategies for managing addiction in a healthy way.


Meditation at BTG helps manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression, improve sleep, and enhance mental focus. This centering practice promotes calm and well-being, aiding clients in addiction recovery.

Creative Expression

At Bridging the Gaps, we provide art and music therapy to help clients explore and resolve core issues, understand their addiction, express themselves healthily, and develop coping skills.


Acudetox is a non-verbal approach to healing that involves the placement of up to 5 sterile, disposable needles into specific points in the ear. This helps with emotion regulation, enhances detoxification, and a discovery of inner quiet, strength, and resiliency. 


Stress is a serious barrier to healing from the disease of addiction. Massage therapy is very effective in reducing stress and promoting deep relaxation. Reiki is a form of energy healing which has many physical and emotional benefits.

Group Education

Group education allows clients to learn more about the disease of addiction and develop cognitive and behavioral tools to avoid relapse, mend relationships, and establish healthy habits in recovery.


Neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) is used to help patients break free from harmful patterns of thinking and behavior. In those with cannabis addiction, we target the alpha and theta brain waves and train them to function more efficiently. This can help reduce cravings, improve impulse control, and promote emotional stability.

Nutrition Education

Nutrition Education teaches our clients the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, as well as how certain foods can impact their physical and mental health.It also address the specific dietary needs of those struggling with addiction, such as vitamin deficiencies or food sensitivities that may contribute to cravings and relapse.


Trauma-informed care takes into account the potential impact of past trauma on an individual’s current mental health and well-being. This approach recognizes that traumatic experiences can significantly contribute to addiction, and therefore aims to address these underlying issues utilizing trauma treatment techniques.

Yoga and Exercise

Yoga and exercise have been shown to be beneficial in addiction recovery. These activities not only promote physical health, but also mental and emotional well-being.

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Beyond Sobriety

Navigating Life's Challenges with Confidence and Sobriety

In our accepting community, you'll be supported and surrounded by a tight-knit group that ensures personalized care. By focusing on healing the mind, body, and spirit, we go beyond mere symptom management. Our program equips you with crucial life skills and resilience to face life's challenges, forge significant relationships, and confidently tackle the duties of sober living. It isn’t just about overcoming addiction—it's about thriving in every aspect of life.

    Individualized treatment plans tailored to your goals and lifestyle
    Experienced staff dedicated to your recovery journey
    Comprehensive support throughout the rehab process

Help is Available

How Opioid Addiction is Treated

Learn how opioid addiction impacts overall health and wellness and the varied effects of addiction on the body and mind, from increased heart problems and liver damage to severe mental health issues and cognitive impairments. 

Neurochemical rebalancing for opioid addiction involves several key components. First, a comprehensive neurochemical deficiency assessment, spanning across four pages, is conducted. This assessment helps identify specific areas of neurochemical deficiency. Next, a personalized approach is taken to provide individuals with tailored amino acids and supplements.

Additionally, an abstinence-based symptom sheet is utilized to monitor and track 25 different symptoms that are correlated with neurochemical imbalances. Based on the information gathered, the amino acid protocol is then adjusted accordingly to address individual needs. Clients will receive the amino acids and cofactors they need to help restore healthy brain chemistry. For those recovering from opioid addiction, it is common to receive D-phenylalanine to balance endorphins. This helps to reduce or eliminate cravings and eradicate uncomfortable side effects of recovery, also known as post-acute withdrawal.

Excessive use of opioids can be damaging to the body. In order to repair this damage, it’s important to prioritize restoring physical health and wellness:

Improve Nutrition and Teach Healthy Habits: Opioids can suppress appetite, leading to decreased food intake and weight loss. This can be especially problematic for individuals who are already struggling with malnutrition or chronic diseases that require proper nutrition for management. Opioids also interfere with the absorption, metabolism, and utilization of essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. This can lead to deficiencies that can have long-term consequences on overall health and well-being. At Bridging the Gaps, we understand that healthy eating is essential for those recovering from opioid addiction to replenish their bodies with essential nutrients. Proper nutrition helps to stabilize mood, reduces cravings, and improves energy levels, cognitive function, and overall well-being. Our clients work with a nutritionist to create healthy, balanced meals and learn how to shop for healthy foods and effectively read nutrition facts. The goal is to establish healthy eating habits here that will help our clients when they eventually leave and navigate recovery outside of our walls.

Exercise Regularly: Exercise is another crucial aspect of restoring physical wellness during recovery from opioids. Long-term opioid use has been linked to muscle weakness, particularly in the legs. It can also lead to muscle atrophy, which is the wasting away of muscle tissue. Our clients exercise every morning and attend a private Yoga class once a week with a certified instructor. We prioritize exercise for several reasons. First, exercise releases endorphins, which can improve mood and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression – common triggers for relapse. It can also help regulate sleep patterns and improve quality of sleep. Lastly, engaging in physical activity also provides a healthy outlet for emotions, reducing the risk of turning to opioids as a coping mechanism.

Promote Healthy Sleep Hygiene: Sleep is essential for the body to heal and repair itself. However, opioids disrupt normal sleep patterns, inhibiting rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and the deeper restorative stages of non-REM sleep, leading to insomnia and trouble staying asleep. Incorporating good sleep hygiene practices is crucial for those recovering from opioid use to improve their overall health. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and avoiding caffeine, heavy meals, and electronics before bed can help regulate sleep patterns. Getting enough quality sleep can also aid in mood stabilization, reducing cravings and improving overall mental health. We encourage our clients to maintain proper sleep hygiene. 

People who have experienced trauma may develop coping mechanisms such as substance use to deal with the overwhelming emotions and feelings associated with their trauma. This can include turning to opioids as a way to self-medicate and numb painful memories or emotions. The clinicians at Bridging the Gaps are dedicated to helping our clients work through these painful events and uncover the hope that lies within.

The first few weeks of group psychotherapy and individual sessions aim to educate the client about their disease, help them begin to address some of the behaviors or thoughts that lead them to use, and begin to build community.

After about 4-6 weeks of stabilization, clients who have suffered significant trauma will begin working on processing these events. The caring, compassionate clinicians at BTG are trained and experienced in trauma-informed care and trauma treatment techniques. Instead of asking, “what’s wrong with you?”, trauma-informed clinicians instead seek to understand what happened to you. Using trauma treatment tools like Brainspotting and DBT, we help our clients to work through their trauma and understand what they need to adequately heal.

At BTG, we believe that the opposite of addiction is connection. We know that the key to long-term success in recovery is having a supportive sober community to help guide you through difficult times. Our clients attend AA or NA meetings and select a sponsor while they’re in treatment with us. Upon completing treatment, we have an Alumni Program that allows our clients to stay in touch and navigate recovery together.

Empowering You: Flexible Treatment Options for Sustained Sobriety

Residential Treatment Program

Immerse yourself in our supportive community and beautiful environment, where our comprehensive treatment center offer the structure and supervision you need to focus on your recovery journey and build a strong foundation for lasting sobriety.

Partial Hospitalization Program

Engage in rigorous daytime treatment that provides care tailored to your needs, while allowing you the flexibility to return home or to a sober living environment in the evenings, ensuring a balance between intensive support and personal responsibility.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Our intensive outpatient and continuing care programs provide accessible mental health and addiction services, fitting your schedule and supporting sustained sobriety and personal growth in recovery.


Our Treatment Process For Addiction

At Bridging the Gaps, we have developed a three-step plan to help you overcome addiction. Our process is designed to provide you with the support, resources, and tools you need for a successful recovery.

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Step 1: Assessment

The first step is the assessment phase. During this stage, our experienced team will conduct a comprehensive assessment to understand your unique needs and develop a personalized plan.

Step 2: Treatment

Once your personalized treatment plan is established, you will begin the treatment phase. This may include a combination of individual therapy, group counseling, holistic activities, and evidence-based practices to address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.

Step 3: Recovery

The final step is the recovery phase. During this stage, we will provide you with ongoing support, relapse prevention strategies, and aftercare resources to help you maintain long-term sobriety.


Reach Out

You’re Not Alone: Connect with Our Admissions Director

We know that recovery isn’t just possible–it’s also magical and life-changing. That being said, we know it’s often difficult to take the first step. Contact our Admissions Director today – 24/7 – if you or a loved one needs help. We’re here to listen.

  • Compassionate Support

    Let Bridging the Gaps assist you or a loved one on the dedicated path to recovery and a brighter future.

  • You Matter!

    Our team will work to understand you and your situation. You’re never “just another client” because we value your individuality. 

Effects of Opioid Addiction

Learn how addiction to opioids impacts overall health and wellness and the varied effects of addiction on the body and mind, from increased heart problems and liver damage to severe mental health issues and cognitive impairments. 

Respiratory Problems

Opioids slow down the central nervous system, affecting breathing and potentially leading to respiratory failure.

Digestive Issues

Opioids can cause constipation and other gastrointestinal problems, leading to chronic pain and discomfort.

Organ Damage

Opioid abuse can harm the liver, kidneys, and other vital organs, leading to chronic health problems.

Hormonal Imbalances

Opioids can disrupt the hormonal system, leading to infertility, sexual dysfunction, and other problems.

Chronic Pain

Opioid addiction can lead to chronic pain conditions, as the body becomes dependent on the drugs to manage pain.


Opioid abuse can cause depression and other mood disorders, leading to feelings of hopelessness and isolation.


Opioids can cause anxiety and panic attacks, leading to increased stress and mental health problems.

Memory Problems

Opioid addiction can cause memory problems and cognitive impairment, affecting daily life and overall functioning.


Opioid abuse can lead to hallucinations, delusions, and other psychotic symptoms, potentially leading to psychiatric hospitalization and long-term mental health problems.

Help is Available

Signs of Opioid Addiction

Opioid addiction affects people from all walks of life who become hooked on the drug and find it difficult to break free from its grip. Knowing how to recognize the physical, behavioral, and social signs of opioid addiction can help individuals seek the support and treatment they need to overcome it.

The physical symptoms of opioid addiction are usually the most obvious and immediate. Opioid addiction changes the way the brain responds to pain signals and creates a sense of euphoria and pleasure that can lead to a high risk of drug addiction. Some of the most common physical signs of opioid addiction include:
● Dry mouth● Constricted pupils● Disorientation or confusion● Lack of coordination● Slowed breathing● Nausea and vomiting● Sweating and flushing● Itching and scratching● Headaches

In addition to physical symptoms, there are also various behavioral signs that one may be struggling with opioid addiction. Some of the most common behavioral signs include:

1. Social isolation and withdrawal from friends and family
2. Neglecting responsibilities such as work, school, or family obligations
3. Lying or being dishonest about drug use and activities
4. Engaging in criminal activities to obtain drugs
5. Making repeated attempts to quit without success
6. Continuing to use despite harmful consequences
7. Mood swings and irritability
8. Decrease in personal hygiene and grooming habits
9. Poor decision-making and risk-taking behavior

Social signs of opioid addiction may not be as obvious as physical or behavioral signs, but they are just as crucial. One of the most significant social signs of opioid addiction is the impact it can have on a person’s relationships with others. Some of the common social signs of opioid addiction include:

1. A decline in social activities and hobbies
2. Socializing with people who use drugs
3. Loss of interest in activities and hobbies
4. Change in friends and social circle
5. Financial struggles and difficulty paying bills

Insights for Your Recovery Journey

Explore our latest blog articles on addiction treatment, mental health, and holistic recovery strategies.

Client Testimonials

Read what our clients have to say about us


Find answers to commonly asked questions about prescription opioids, addiction, and recovery.

  • What is the first step I should take if myself or a loved one wants to stop using opioids?

    The first step towards recovery from opioid addiction is seeking professional help to detoxify the body safely. Symptoms of withdrawal may include nausea, fever, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, and hypertension, among others. If not addressed, persistent vomiting and diarrhea can lead to heart failure due to high blood sodium levels and severe dehydration. Neglecting to monitor and treat opiate withdrawal symptoms can be fatal, so receiving proper medical care during this time is crucial. Once the detox process is complete, it’s highly encouraged to participate in a residential treatment facility to assist you with the vulnerable early stages of recovery. At Bridging the Gaps, we offer residential treatment that is designed to help your mind, body, and soul begin to heal from the devastating effects of opioid addiction.

  • How is a holistic approach to opioid addiction treatment different from Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT)?

    Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) utilizes prescription medications to help individuals recover from opioid addiction. There are four medications commonly used in MAT for opioid addiction: methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and suboxone.

    Methadone is a full opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same receptors in the brain as other opioids. Methadone is mind altering, but because of the long half life of the chemicals, the “high” is more attenuated and subtle. Methadone therefore helps to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings while also blocking the effects of other opioids.

    Buprenorphine is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it also activates the same receptors but to a lesser degree. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms while also preventing other opioids from producing their full effects.

    Naltrexone is an opioid antagonist, meaning it blocks the effects of opioids by binding to the same receptors without activating them. It helps to prevent relapse by stopping the effects of any opioids that may be taken.

    Suboxone is a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone, which work together to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone, like Methadone, does activate a mind altering response and has its own complex withdrawal process.

    While MAT may be an effective method for managing withdrawal symptoms, it does not address the underlying causes of opioid use, like mental health issues or brain chemistry imbalances. 

    The medications used in MAT treatment also often have strong side effects that stem from its mind altering attributes as well as physiological impacts, that include headaches, nausea, and constipation, and liver problems. In fact, some of the MAT medications are highly addictive and are often very difficult to stop using.

    On the other hand, holistic approaches to treating opioid addiction aim to treat not only physical dependence but also any underlying psychological or social issues that may be contributing to the addiction. At BTG, our integrative, holistic approach includes a combination of counseling and psychotherapy, amino acid therapy to restore proper brain chemistry, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications that can help individuals develop healthier coping skills and address any underlying physical and mental health issues. In addition to providing psychological support, we also incorporate healthy sober living activities like yoga, as well as participation in 12 Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous to help establish a sober support system. By addressing the physical, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects of addiction, a holistic approach can provide lasting results.

  • How can I or a loved one expect to feel in the early stages of recovery from opioid addiction?

    Early recovery from opioid addiction is an important and often difficult process. It can be an emotionally draining experience as well as a physically exhausting one. Physically, you may experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches, and chills or sweats. Emotionally, you may experience heightened levels of anxiety, which can lead to feelings of restlessness, irritability, and difficulty sleeping.

    At Bridging the Gaps, we understand the struggles of early recovery and provide integrative treatment plans to assist our clients as they navigate the physical and emotional pain of these first few weeks. Within the first week of treatment, the client is assigned their counselor, attends group psychotherapy, receives medical treatment, and begins a customized amino acid therapy protocol that has been proven to calm withdrawal symptoms as it works to restore healthy brain chemistry. Clients are provided a safe, non-judgemental space to share their struggles as they begin to build community with others traveling the same journey. Lastly, plenty of time is given for rest as the body and mind begin to heal.

  • What types of therapies and interventions does Bridging the Gaps use to help treat opioid addiction?

    At Bridging the Gaps, we integrate traditional treatment modalities with innovative and holistic methods to ensure we are adequately treating the whole person, bridging the gaps between traditional and progressive forms of treatment. While we utilize traditional and effective methods like psychotherapy and 12 step programs, we also utilize cutting edge technology, like neurofeedback, and integrative, holistic medicine, including amino acid therapy and AcuDetox, to support all aspects of wellness as our clients transition into recovery and beyond.

  • How can family and friends support someone who is in treatment or in recovery from opioid addiction?

    Supporting someone in treatment or recovery from opioid addiction can be a difficult task, but there are some key steps that family and friends can take to provide support and encourage recovery.

    The first thing family members should do is educate themselves on the disease of addiction. Understanding how addiction affects the brain will help you to better understand the symptoms and behaviors your loved one exhibits, and will empower you to help them through this process. At Bridging the Gaps, we offer a family education program that meets virtually one night each week to educate family members about the disease of addiction so they can develop a thorough understanding to aid them through this process.

    Next, adhere to the boundaries that your loved one in recovery puts in place. Certain social events like weddings can be very triggering for someone in early recovery, so adopting an understanding mindset towards your loved one as they decline invitations to these types of events is critical. This can be difficult, but try not to take this personally – they are doing what they need to do to stay sober. Encourage your loved one as they begin to navigate life without opioids, avoid triggers, and uphold their boundaries.

    Most importantly, make sure to take care of yourself. Addiction is an insidious disease that can have detrimental effects to the mental health of family and friends of those who are struggling. Attending support groups can help you process what you went through, gain strength to assist your loved one in recovery, and establish a community of people who understand what it’s like to walk in your shoes.

    Bridging the Gaps also offers comprehensive outreach to family members to help you navigate your loved one’s treatment and recovery journey. Our family program includes weekly psychoeducation, the opportunity to participate in therapeutically facilitated conjoint sessions with your loved one, and an extended family aftercare program to help you process your emotions and gain insight from other family members.

  • After treatment, what kind of support is available to help myself or a loved one sustain recovery?

    At BTG, we offer a long-term continuum of care, where clients can receive services from us often up to a year, and sometimes longer. Our level of care adjusts to the stage of recovery the client has achieved, slowly and safely progressing them to independent life free from alcohol or drugs.

    Upon completion of treatment with us, we offer an Aftercare Program, as well as an Alumni group, to help build a supportive sober community for those who have completed our program. We also encourage our clients to continue to attend AA or NA meetings to help support them through continued recovery.


Your Addiction Treatment Could Be Covered

If you do not see your provider listed, please contact us to learn more about obtaining coverage. We do not accept Medicaid at this time.


Contact Us

Reach Out to Us

We welcome you to call our Admissions Director, Sue Dennis, at (540) 535-1111 to discuss admitting yourself or a loved one fortreatment. However, if you would first like us to verify your insurance, use this form or get in touch via phone or email.


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