31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

Holistic Addiction Treatment: Discover the BTG Difference

If this is your first time entering treatment for substance use disorder, you may be wondering what sets one rehab facility apart from the next. Even if you have entered treatment multiple times, you may feel disheartened by your repeated experience with the same modalities and may be yearning for change. At Bridging the Gaps, our integrative, holistic approach is tailored to each individual we treat, providing a unique experience that bridges the gaps between cutting-edge therapies and traditional methods. We welcome you to explore the BTG difference.

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Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit

What Sets Us Apart?

Our holistic approach to healing focuses on the whole person, including the underlying issues or trauma that impact an individual’s well-being. At BTG, clients are provided the opportunity to explore the underlying pain and longstanding beliefs that, if mismanaged, result in relapse behaviors. In a safe and nurturing community of their peers, individuals are guided on a personal journey of recovery by examining the underlying causes of their addiction and given the tools they need to find healing. 
While each healing journey is unique, we know from decades of experience that the path to recovery takes compassionate guidance from trusted professionals. Our team works collaboratively to provide a combination of evidence-based therapeutic practices and holistic modalities to nurture growth and transformation. We provide the time, safety, and loving accountability needed to heal. 

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We Treat the Underlying Sources of Pain

The Roots of Addiction

We believe that the roots of addiction are grounded in neurochemical deficiencies in the brain. Neurochemicals drive both emotions and behaviors as they are the messengers in the brain that convey feelings such as motivation and contentment. On day one of treatment, we evaluate our clients to identify the specific neurochemicals that are most likely deficient. We then provide an individualized plan for amino acid therapy. Through our nutritional program, we further support physical healing so that the body can naturally rebalance.
Supporting clients to experience true abstinence from substances while receiving support to rebalance their brain chemistry provides a space for deeper healing. Our amino acid therapy allows clients to feel better faster so that they have the focus and emotional resiliency to get the most out of the therapeutic program and holistic drug rehabilitation.

Our Treatment Programs

Our Long-Term Continuum of Care

We use a four-phase approach to treatment that provides clients with the opportunity to make lasting changes over time. The best treatment outcomes are from those clients who stay engaged in the full continuum of care.

In the first phase of treatment clients are typically engaged in our residential program. Clients learn to live comfortably without addictive substances while increasing knowledge of their substance use disorder.  We support them to realign their nutritional/biochemical balance that has been depleted as a result of their use of substances. They establish a personal spiritual program to support sustained sobriety, healthy relationships with self and others and thus promote peace within self. By the end of this phase, they will have a foundational understanding of personal signs and symptoms of relapse which include symptoms of spiritual erosion and effective tools for management.

The second phase of treatment evolves after residential care while the client is engaged in day treatment. At this stage the client is feeling better having withdrawn from substance and they have a stronger capacity for emotional regulation. From this place of abstinence, the client can begin to identify and explore psychosocial core issues which may lead to relapse. 

Our advanced education program is framed within the context of relapse prevention and understanding the long-standing habits and beliefs that may be activated by life and interpersonal stress, that if mismanaged, result in relapse behaviors. Through personalized assignments, they develop a deeper understanding of their triggers, warning signs, and coping skills.  
The third phase of treatment begins the shift from deeper therapeutic work to navigating life in early recovery. Typically, we see a stepdown to half-day treatment at this point. The client begins to utilize insights gained on personal core issues to support healthy autonomy and interpersonal relationships outside of the treatment setting. They continue to practice using their sober support network and sponsor to further develop a sense of belonging within a local 12 step community. By staying engaged in treatment, they remain accountable to self and peers. This taper process supports the client in finding meaning and purpose in early recovery as they explore options for employment, education, and their overall life goals.

The fourth phase of treatment is our aftercare program. At the outpatient level of care, we support our clients as they practice maintaining sobriety while living their normal lives. This is an opportunity for the client to build true emotional sobriety as they develop an effective spiritual program to support quality life and mental health in sobriety. They continue to have accountability and support as they identify and process high-risk situations that could trigger relapse.

Transitional Housing Supports Early Recovery

Supported Sober Living

While in residential treatment the client is in a safe space removed from the stresses and challenges of day-to-day life. They are also removed from access to substances and other triggers for use. They have staff support around the clock and their needs, such as groceries, are handled by the program. Leaving that safe environment with limited time in sobriety is inherently going to increase their risk for relapse. Most treatment programs do not have options to help the client slowly transition from full residential treatment to greater autonomy. At best, clients might be offered support in locating a halfway house while they continue treatment. We offer a unique opportunity for clients to reside in our supported sober living house as they transition into our PHP program.

Our Advanced house is designed to be a supportive sober residence for clients moving into our second phase of treatment. This house provides increased freedoms and expectations of autonomy and responsibility but remains fully staffed with trained and credentialed residential staff who fulfill a role of monitoring and support for clients’ safety and well-being.  Clients within BTG’s sober supported residence are expected to demonstrate appropriate living skills and pro-social behaviors as effective members of a collaborative sober community. 

In the supported sober living house, BTG provides full food service to ensure transferability of nutritional philosophies learned in RTC.  BTG also provides transportation.

Our third house fits within our extended continuum of care and is designed to be a peer-supported and peer-managed sober living environment for clients in our IOP or OP programs.  The peer-run residential environment is intended to be positively influenced by peer interactions as supported by clinical intervention.  In IOP and OP, the clients are expected to arrange for their own transportation and personal vehicles are permitted with prior approval by clinical staff.  The house is subject to close oversight and clients are held to a strict level of community accountability which supports success in early recovery.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Small Addiction Treatment Center

Intimate and Individualized Care

Recovery is, above all else, an intensely personal journey. That’s what makes it such a unique, eye-opening, special process. That’s also why it demands a rigorous and individualized brand of treatment. At Bridging the Gaps, we recognize that each person – and the circumstances, experiences, and underlying issues that inform his or her addiction – is unique. And everything about our organizational structure and approach is designed to support the individual clients we are privileged to serve.

We are a relatively small facility of 24 beds, but not because we are opposed to growth – we grow and improve our program and services every day. We remain small as a facility because it works, allowing clients to achieve a level of comfort, trust, and openness with our staff and their peers that is uncommon in a treatment setting. That level of intimacy and the honesty it engenders helps our clients to work successfully through the most challenging and sensitive issues – knowing that they are supported and cared for every single step of the way.

With no more than five clients assigned to a counselor at any time, we have one of the smallest client-to-clinician ratios among nationally recognized, accredited treatment centers. This allows counselors to not only establish deep and substantive relationships with each client, but enables them to work very closely and collaboratively with family members or other loved ones in mapping out substance abuse treatment, transition, and relapse prevention plans that will best equip clients for long-term success.

Some of the most important values that clients can develop to maintain lasting sobriety is a sense of responsibility for themselves and a commitment to helping and supporting others. At Bridging the Gaps, our clients live, interact, and function as part of a close-knit community or team. Whether cooking meals together, helping to maintain their residences, or keeping each other honest and accountable in group therapy sessions – clients learn that the success of a group is dependent on each member doing their part. They also learn to think of, and truly appreciate others – in spite of their differences. They develop a sense of camaraderie and commitment to one another that often lasts well beyond their days in treatment. This combination of teamwork and other-centeredness is something that clients both appreciate and come to depend on as they move forward in their recoveries.

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A Vital Foundation to Sober Living

Strong Ties with 12-Step Community

A key ingredient to sustained abstinence for most individuals involves a system of ongoing support provided within the 12-Step communities. That’s why, in addition to our therapeutic modalities, we encourage clients to be actively involved in a 12-Step program. Winchester has a large and diverse 12-step community that offers multiple meetings of the primary fellowships (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) every day of the week. Residential clients attend daily 12-step meetings so that they can gain exposure to key concepts of the 12-step approach, become familiar with a variety of meeting formats, and have the opportunity to connect with people who can share their experiences and successes.  Outpatient clients are also encouraged to attend daily meetings.

In addition to making daily meetings a part of their sober schedule and routine, BTG clients are all encouraged to be active participants in the fellowship by obtaining a sponsor, building a sober support network, and engaging in sober activities outside of the treatment setting. Clients are given opportunities to connect with 12-step community members before and after local meetings, at community 12-step gatherings, and can host members of their sober support network at the residential houses for meals and socializing. This exposure to elements of 12-step programs provides clients with a foundation that has helped thousands of individuals stay sober and successfully transition to a life of recovery after treatment ends.

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Treating the Whole Person

Holistic Approach

Addiction is a chronic, progressive, and life-altering disease often characterized by periods of relapse and remission. But, with proper treatment and a multi-faceted approach to recovery, countless individuals find lasting change each and every day. At Bridging the Gaps, we are committed to setting all of our clients up for success. That means providing them with a range of knowledge, tools, and experiences that will afford them the best chance of maintaining sobriety.

We believe that addiction is a “whole person” disease requiring treatment of the mind, the body, and the spirit. In addition to evidence-based therapeutic counseling, we offer other innovative modalities to support the healing of your mind, body, and spirit. All of the treatment components work together as an integrative whole, which helps our clients recover their physical, psychological, and spiritual health and gives them the tools they need to maintain a life free from drug and alcohol addiction.

Recovery Starts HereContact Us Now

Start a new chapter in your life. Reach out to our Admissions Director to learn how we can transform your life or that of someone you care about

A Unique Blend of Healing Approaches

Special Modalities

Learn how we integrate and blend a powerful mix of therapies and healing practices.

Food and Nutrition

At BTG, the food and nutrition program is centered on supporting the client’s recovery. We focus on developing a healthy relationship with food that will give clients a good foundation to build their health in recovery. This is important because not eating well can lead to not feeling well, which can lead to craving alcohol and/or drugs.

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino acid supplementation rebalances the clients’ brains, which restores functioning of the brain’s neurotransmitters. By addressing these neurotransmitter deficiencies, clients’ abstinence symptoms, including cravings, mood swings, and withdrawal symptoms, are dramatically reduced. We also help clients find their natural sleep and biorhythms through nutritional and supplementation protocols.


Neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback that uses real-time displays to illustrate brain activity and teach self-regulation. A dysregulated brain tends to be over-stimulated when it is supposed to be calm and under-stimulated when it is supposed to be attentive. Through neurofeedback, we are able to “re-train” the brain to function normally again. When your brain is better regulated, it allows you to improve regulation of thoughts, feelings, and focus.

Acupuncture Detox (Acudetox)

Our Acupuncture Detoxification Specialists use Chinese acupuncture to relieve many of the clients’ symptoms of withdrawal and abstinence. Acudetox stimulates the body’s natural detox pathways and promotes relaxation. Acupuncture has also been shown to reduce cravings, ease physical pain, decrease anxiety, help regulate emotions, decrease stress, and help regulate sleep.


Meditation helps manage stress, promotes relaxation, reduces anxiety and depression, improves sleep, and improves mental focus. BTG has long used meditation as a centering and healing practice that promotes a feeling of calm and wellbeing, which is very helpful to clients who are recovering from the disease of addiction.


Brainspotting is an evidenced-based, brain-based, psychotherapeutic tool that identifies, targets, processes, and then ultimately releases significant physical and emotional memories. By working through these memories and learning grounding techniques, clients are able to better emotionally regulate, experience less anxiety, and ultimately are less likely to want to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol.


Regular exercise is the best way to increase energy, reduce fatigue, and elevate your mood. Addiction is a brain-based disease therefore BTG utilizes the modalities that are scientifically proven to heal the brain. Studies have shown that exercise results in marked increases in mood-enhancing neurotransmitters.

Creative Expressions

At Bridging the Gaps we offer art therapy and music therapy, which provide the clients with an opportunity to explore, understand, and resolve core issues in their lives that they may not feel comfortable talking about in regular conversation. Expressive therapy is beneficial to those dealing with addiction because it provides them with ways to understand their addiction, express themselves in a healthy way, and develop healthy coping skills.


Stress is a serious barrier to healing from the disease of addiction. Clients who experience stress and anxiety are often tempted to return to substances to soothe those feelings. Massage therapy is very effective in reducing stress and promoting deep relaxation. Massage has also been shown to increase dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, which can help improve a client’s overall outlook.


Reiki is a form of energy healing which has many physical and emotional benefits. It promotes feelings of relaxation and drastically reduces stress. Reiki also encourages the body’s natural healing mechanisms, which is beneficial to someone on their path of healing from addiction.

Bridging the Gaps: Providing Exceptional Care for Over 20 Years

Choose a holistic recovery center that blends effective therapeutic modalities with practices that nurture your spirit and strengthen your body. Bridging the Gaps values your individuality and offers the tools and support necessary for a meaningful life free from addiction.

Our Unique Approach to Treatment Sets Us Apart

Comprehensive & Personalized Care

Our treatment plans blend a mix of therapeutic approaches, from cognitive-behavioral and dialectical behavior therapies to 12-step programs. We enrich the recovery journey with holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy, providing a well-rounded path to healing.

Experienced & Compassionate Team of Professionals

Our dedicated team is highly trained and experienced in substance abuse treatment and addiction recovery. They provide professional care with compassion—guiding you through every step of your healing journey and equipping you with the tools needed for lasting success.

Community & Connection

We foster community, recognizing its important role in the healing process. In our supportive environment, we build peer connections, encourage family involvement, and enhance life skills for effective communication.

Insights for Your Recovery Journey

Explore our latest blog articles on addiction treatment, mental health, and holistic recovery strategies.

Client Testimonials

Read what our clients have to say about us

Contact Us

Reach Out To Us

We welcome you to call our Admissions Director, Sue Dennis, at (540) 535-1111 to discuss admitting yourself or a loved one fortreatment. However, if you would first like us to verify your insurance, use this form or get in touch via phone or email.


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