31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

Our Intensive Outpatient Programs

Bridging the Gaps recognizes that different people require different options for care, which is why we offer a half-day intensive outpatient program. IOP provides structured and supportive treatment for individuals whose needs and circumstances may allow them to realize positive outcomes in a more flexible, non-residential setting.


Our Intensive Outpatient Programs

Bridging the Gaps recognizes that different people require different options for care, which is why we offer a half-day intensive outpatient program. IOP provides structured and supportive treatment for individuals whose needs and circumstances may allow them to realize positive outcomes in a more flexible, non-residential setting.

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Transitional Wellness

What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is a form of treatment for individuals dealing with substance use issues. It provides an individualized program that offers specific treatment services while allowing the patient to remain in their home environment. IOP is designed to help those who may not need full residential treatment but could benefit from a more intensive level of care than what is available in traditional outpatient settings.

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Recovery in Motion

Where do Intensive Outpatient Clients Reside?

IOP program clients can live at home, managing their own daily needs while attending structured clinical sessions during the week. For those not ready to live at home, transitional living environments like BTG's peer-supported sober living house or other approved sober living options are available.

Empowering Independence

The Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Programs

While IOP is less intensive and structured than our residential and PHP programs, clients benefit from the added accountability this level of care provides as compared to a traditional outpatient program. We put in place several practices that support clients in walking the path of early recovery. For example, BTG relies on frequent urinalyses to ensure abstinence.  In the contract signed by each client entering IOP, the individual agrees that in the event of substance use or pattern of non-compliance, he will return to the higher level of care (RTC or PHP, as circumstances warrant).

Clients are held accountable by providing written weekend plans to the clinical team by the preceding Thursday. The plans are informative only (not subject to clinical approval) but may be the basis for a group process. The forms for the written plans require identification of AA/NA 12 step meetings (required daily), weekend recovery objectives, plans for sponsor contacts, and emergency telephone numbers that the client will use in the event of any cravings/problems.

An “on-call” phone is available for the use of IOP clients. The phone is carried by a clinician 24/7. Clients are instructed and expected to use the phone for any concerns but particularly to notify clinicians on a timely basis of any situations that arise that may threaten their recovery.

In addition to the controls provided by BTG, IOP clients are exposed to the concepts of peer support and peer governance. IOP clients are required to participate in a Peer Review Group each week in which each client is provided an opportunity to process any concerns regarding compliance and/or sobriety. In addition, IOP clients also attend the Continuing Care Program (90-minute group session once a week) to further acclimate to sober living and benefit from a milieu with more sober time outside of the context of daily treatment structure.

Craft a Healthy Recovery

Our Holistic Treatment Methods for Addiction

Explore our integrated suite of holistic treatment methods designed to support a healthy recovery from addiction.

12 Step Meetings

Alcoholic Anonymous (AA)  and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings follow a 12-step program that helps individuals develop coping mechanisms and strategies for managing their addiction in a healthy way.

Group Education

Group education allows clients to learn more about the disease of addiction and develop cognitive and behavioral tools to avoid relapse, mend relationships, and establish healthy habits in recovery.

Group Psychotherapy

Group psychotherapy is a small group of clients, led by a trained clinician, who come together to share their struggles, emotions, and experiences related to addiction.

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions allow clients to work with their assigned counselor to explore their core therapeutic concerns as they navigate life in recovery.

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Programs Designed For Your Needs

The Care That’s Right For You

As an outpatient program, IOP can be attended from home. The client is expected to provide for his own daily needs, such as cooking, meal preparation, shopping and establishing a healthy daily routine.  During this phase of treatment, the client is provided the opportunity to experience both the privileges and obligations of life “on his or her own” while continuing to have the structure of clinical programming throughout the week.

Learn What Sets Us Apart

The BTG Difference

Roots of Addiction

In order to create a healthy, sustainable recovery from drugs and alcohol, it is important to address the root cause. So our partial hospitalization services includes rebalancing brain chemistry, utilizing comprehensive psychotherapy, implementing proper nutrition, and nourishing one’s spirituality.

Long-Term Care

Our long-term continuum of care allows our clients to progress through our program at a pace that fits the severity of their disease, allowing them adequate time to heal that is unique to their individual situation. Research has shown that clients who stay engaged in treatment for longer have better long-term results once treatment is completed. 

Sober Living

Our supportive sober living allows clients to reintegrate into society safely, allowing them to utilize their newly-acquired life skills and coping mechanisms in everyday situations as they continue to benefit from a sober community. Our 3 residences provide the comforts of home with added support and accountability. 

Client Testimonials

Read what our clients have to say about us

Addictions We Treat

From Residential Treatment to Partial Hospitalization, We Have You Covered


Alcoholism is a chronic disorder that causes physical, psychological, and social consequences.


Benzodiazepines are psychoactive drugs that are usually prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia, but they can also be abused.


Cannabis induces feelings of euphoria, but addiction can result in decreased work performance and impaired social functioning.


Cocaine initially produces euphoria and excitement, but use can result in serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.


Fentanyl is a highly addictive opioid drug with significant health risks including overdose or respiratory depression.


Hallucinogens, like mushrooms and ecstasy, are mind-altering drugs that can lead to personality changes and psychosis.


Heroin is an opiate that produces intense relaxation, but it can also lead to life-threatening medical conditions.


Commonly prescribed to manage pain, opioids are highly addictive and carry a risk of serious side effects.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse and addiction is very common, with two million people in the US abusing them annually.


Stimulants, such as amphetamines, create feelings of energy and alertness, and can also lead to severe health problems.

Individualized Care Approach

How is Intensive Outpatient Effective?

Many of our clients utilize the Intensive Outpatient program (IOP) as a stepping stone between our Partial Hospitalization program (PHP) and our Continuing Care program to begin to build greater autonomy and independence in early recovery. During IOP, the clients continue to fully participate in Advanced Education.  In addition, treatment objectives are added to address a plan for re-assimilation to real world demands.  The clients develop employment and/or education plans, identify and coordinate necessary resources such as medical or career support, and begin to implement the plan.
Treatment at this level of care often focuses on the following themes:
● Practice sober living with an individualized taper out of day treatment Increase knowledge of his/her substance use disorder as the disease of addiction● Utilize insights gained on personal core issues to support healthy autonomy and interpersonal relationships Practice using a sober support network and sponsor to further develop a sense of belonging to the local 12 step community Remain accountable to self and peers● Find meaningful work, education, or other life goals

Insights for Your Recovery Journey

Explore our latest blog articles on addiction treatment, mental health, and holistic recovery strategies.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about addiction and recovery.

  • What is the difference between IOP and PHP?

    PHP is a more intensive program than IOP. At PHP, clients attend treatment all day including access to all of our holistic modalities and medical care. At the IOP level, clients have further stabilized and only require treatment for the morning. The focus shifts from healing through our multiple modalities to practicing the tools of early recovery.

  • What is the difference between outpatient and intensive outpatient?

    IOP is a more intensive outpatient program than our outpatient program (Continuing Care). In IOP, clients participate in our morning program 3 – 5 days per week while our outpatient clients have just 1 – 2 groups per week that are scheduled to accommodate typical work schedules.

  • How long is intensive outpatient treatment?

    The amount of time the client is in treatment depends on the needs of the particular client and where they are in their treatment process. Typically, clients will attend IOP 5 days per week as they transition out of PHP. We will then slowly taper to 3 days per week. The taper process allows clients to experience a return to the real world with the simultaneous ability to fully process daily stressors, interpersonal and intrafamily dynamics, relapse warning signs, and the experience of sober life within the group and individual process. On average, clients attend our IOP program for 6 – 12 weeks before transitioning into Continuing Care.

  • Does intensive outpatient address co-occurring disorders?

    Often, clients presenting for addictions treatment also struggle with co-occurring mental health symptoms like anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, and personality disorders. These co-occurring disorders can complicate the recovery process so it is important to treat both simultaneously to ensure the best outcomes. Our IOP program is intentionally designed to address the root cause of the addiction and enhance the quality of long term sobriety. We provide comprehensive and integrated care tailored to the individual’s needs in order to manage mental health symptoms, enhance coping mechanisms and improve resiliency so as to alleviate the emotional pain that drives the desire to self-medicate with substances of abuse.


Your Addiction Treatment Could Be Covered

If you do not see your provider listed, please contact us to learn more about obtaining coverage. We do not accept Medicaid at this time.


Contact Us

Reach Out to Us

We welcome you to call our Admissions Director, Sue Dennis, at (540) 535-1111 to discuss admitting yourself or a loved one fortreatment. However, if you would first like us to verify your insurance, use this form or get in touch via phone or email.


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