31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

Rehab Success Stories

Read firsthand client accounts of triumph and transformation at Bridging the Gaps, where real client rehab success stories inspire hope and celebrate recovery from the disease of addiction. 

Voices of Victory

Real Success Stories from Our Clients

We’re proud our past clients have shared the stories of their inspiring journeys of finding strength and sobriety through our comprehensive care.

I am almost six years clean and sober and I am so grateful for the team at BTG who saved my life and fully prepared me to manage my triggers in life outside of rehab. I look back at my memories at BTG with so much happiness and gratitude for my experience and support to grow into the responsible person I am today. Thank you Bryon and the team for saving my life!

- Anonymous

Bridging the gaps changed my life. The program was exactly what I needed to get clean and maintain my sobriety. I had hit rock bottom and needed to get my feet back under me. Through supportive staff, nutritious food, and a very clean and healthy environment, I was able to find my life again. I gained a clearer vision about addiction, as well as found a new hope of a happier future without substances. I am so thankful for their continued support of my recovery, and would highly recommend their services to others seeking help.

- Anonymous

I went to BTG 7 years ago (September 2013) and have been in recovery ever since. I have everyone at BTG to thank for that. My experience there taught and helped me not only how to get and stay sober but how to live a life I can be proud of, and mend my relationships. I loved my counselor and all the different modalities they use here. I found Yoga, Reiki, Massage, and art therapy to be extremely helpful. I still use those as healthy coping mechanisms years later!

- Anonymous

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BTG believes that addiction is a “whole person” disease requiring treatment of the mind, the body, and the spirit. All of the treatment program components work as an integrative whole, helping recover their physical health as well as providing them with the psychological and spiritual tools they need for a life free from drug addiction and alcoholism. Education and counseling sessions are among the many modalities utilized to specifically target treatment of the mind. Intravenous therapy, oral nutrients, nutrition, acupuncture detoxification, fitness, massage, and neurofeedback are among the modalities utilized to specifically target treatment of the body. Meditation, yoga, Reiki, and the 12 step program are among the modalities utilized to specifically target treatment of the spirit.


I have been clean and sober for over five years, and I could not have done it without BTG. They truly saved my life, on multiple occasions, and I cannot express enough gratitude for the people who work there.


This place has provided me with all of the support I needed so that I may lead a happy, healthy, sober life!


Bridging the Gaps saved my life. I attended Bridging the Gaps for drug and alcohol treatment in 2017 and successfully completed the aftercare program in 2018. I am very fortunate to have been connected to their program and, BTG not only saved my life, but changed my life. I have found a new freedom and a new happiness thanks to the clinicians and staff at BTG as they supported my first year in sobriety. They taught me the biopsychosocial-spiritual model of recovery and I continue to practice the coping mechanisms and life skills I learned through attending treatment at BTG. I am about 7 1/2 years sober at this point in my journey and I have several peers in recovery who went through BTG's program with similar time.

This program works, it's worked for me, and it's worked for countless others, especially if you are willing to follow their recommendations.


I don’t think I would have been able to get sober at any other treatment center. Bridging the Gaps isn’t your typical 30 day facility. It encapsulates a long-term layout that, if completed, increases chances of long-term sobriety significantly.

I was forced to go to treatment by family members and was NOT happy to be in treatment (AGAIN) when I first arrived. In my first 30 days, the length of most treatment centers, I barely spoke a word. If I had completed the program at that point I know I would have continued using afterwards. It wasn’t until the second and third months that I was able to open up and really do the work I needed to do to overcome my addiction. I continued with the rest of the program afterwards which took about a year in total. It’s not easy but it works, it’s an investment in yourself. I’ve been sober for 5+ years now.

At BTG you aren’t just another patient in a revolving door of constant admissions and discharges. There’s no “flying under the radar” here. You, as an individual, are going to get the time and attention and individualized focus you deserve whether you want it or not. Highly recommend, if I had a family member in need of help I’d send them here.


Paths to Empowerment

Celebrating Recovery Milestones

Watch our staff's addiction recovery stories to see how they have reclaimed their lives from addiction and embraced new beginnings to build amazing futures.

Discover Our Unique
Treatment Approach

Our treatment plans blend a mix of therapeutic approaches, from cognitive-behavioral and dialectical behavior therapies to 12-step programs. We enrich the recovery journey with holistic practices such as yoga, meditation, and art therapy, providing a well-rounded path to healing.

Insights for Your Recovery Journey

Explore our latest blog articles on addiction treatment, mental health, and holistic recovery strategies.


Your Addiction Treatment Could Be Covered

If you do not see your provider listed, please contact us to learn more about obtaining coverage. We do not accept Medicaid at this time.


Contact Us

Reach Out To Us

We welcome you to call our Admissions Director, Sue Dennis, at (540) 535-1111 to discuss admitting yourself or a loved one fortreatment. However, if you would first like us to verify your insurance, use this form or get in touch via phone or email.


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