31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

Our Outpatient Program for Addiction

At Bridging the Gaps, we are dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their lives from addiction. Our outpatient addiction treatment program provides customized care that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals. Our team of compassionate professionals will work with you every step of the way.


Our Outpatient Program for Addiction

At Bridging the Gaps, we are dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their lives from addiction. Our outpatient addiction treatment program provides customized care that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs and goals. Our team of compassionate professionals will work with you every step of the way.

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Building Resilience Holistically

What is Our Outpatient

Our outpatient addiction treatment program, provides treatment for those that have engaged in the continuum of care at Bridging the Gaps or another treatment facility. The outpatient recovery program provides accountability, support, and structure for maintaining long-term sobriety. This is the lowest level of care offered at Bridging the Gaps and is meant to provide clients with a support system as they transition out of our recovery residences.

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Preventing Relapse

The Benefits of Addiction Outpatient Support

The outpatient program includes: ● A weekly 90 minute group session ● A weekly 60 minute individual session (optional)● Accountability for maintaining sobriety through regular urinalysis screens and 12-step meetings 
The commitment to the outpatient program is 44 weeks over the course of a year. In addition to the group and individual sessions, clients are expected to attend a minimum of three 12-Step meetings a week and be actively working with a 12-step sponsor.

Life After Rehab

Who Should Consider Our Addiction Outpatient Program?

The primary distinction between our IOP and outpatient care is that IOP requires a higher commitment level than our outpatient program. Our outpatient program provides a slightly less intensive approach while still providing structure, accountability, and support throughout your journey. No matter which level of care you choose, we are dedicated to helping you achieve long-term sobriety by providing supportive services tailored to your specific needs.

Upon completing a higher level of care, clients have the option of transitioning to outpatient services. Outpatient, the lowest level of care, provides the client with the opportunity to remain in the peer-run sober living residence or in a local sober living environment, attend BTG’s continuing care program, receive a weekly individual session with the client’s primary counselor, and participate in the weekly Peer Encounter session. 

Outpatient clients are also required to attend AA/NA 12 Step meetings, have a sponsor and be actively working with the sponsor, maintain a clean and healthy living environment and comply with BTG’s rules and procedures. Outpatient clients continue to be subject to urinalysis and breathalyzer measurements.  

The length of OP services is open-ended and determined by the client in collaboration with his or her primary counselor and peer group.  Ongoing assessment is conducted to have the client self-monitor progress toward objectives and to avoid stagnation or complacency.

At Bridging the Gaps, we focus on relapse prevention and recovery maintenance in our outpatient program so that our clients can better recognize and avoid potential triggers for substance use. Possible challenges that patients face outside of the facility include:

● Work and family stressors● Re-acclimating to home life● Exposure to triggers● Learning how to navigate life in early recovery● Working meetings and recovery-oriented habits into daily life

Comprehensive Healing

Our Holistic Treatment Methods for Addiction

Explore our comprehensive suite of holistic treatment methods designed to support a healthy recovery from addiction

Individual Counseling

Continuing care clients maintain significant rapport with their primary counselors and these sessions are offered to enhance the recovery process and proactively address any relapse issues.

Continuing Care Group

A weekly group held in the evening with fellow peers that have a minimum of 30 days sobriety. The structure of each group session is based on a weekly check-in with regards to issues impacting recovery.

Peer Review

A weekly group held before typical work hours in which each client is provided an opportunity to process any concerns regarding compliance and/or sobriety with peer support.

Client Testimonials

Read what our alumni have to say about us

Addictions We Treat

From Residential Treatment to Partial Hospitalization, We Have You Covered


Alcoholism is a chronic disorder that causes physical, psychological, and social consequences.


Benzodiazepines are psychoactive drugs that are usually prescribed to treat anxiety and insomnia, but they can also be abused.


Cannabis induces feelings of euphoria, but addiction can result in decreased work performance and impaired social functioning.


Cocaine initially produces euphoria and excitement, but use can result in serious health problems, including heart attack and stroke.


Fentanyl is a highly addictive opioid drug with significant health risks including overdose or respiratory depression.


Hallucinogens, like mushrooms and ecstasy, are mind-altering drugs that can lead to personality changes and psychosis.


Heroin is an opiate that produces intense relaxation, but it can also lead to life-threatening medical conditions.


Commonly prescribed to manage pain, opioids are highly addictive and carry a risk of serious side effects.

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug abuse and addiction is very common, with two million people in the US abusing them annually.


Stimulants, such as amphetamines, create feelings of energy and alertness, and can also lead to severe health problems.

Insights for Your Recovery Journey

Explore our latest blog articles on addiction treatment, mental health, and holistic recovery strategies.


Find answers to commonly asked questions about addiction and recovery.

  • Is outpatient treatment mandatory in rehab?

    Outpatient treatment is not mandatory but it is highly recommended. We do require clients in the first year of sobriety to attend the continuing care group if they want to continue with individual counseling sessions. We require the group because we believe in the power of community support and accountability. Clients who stay engaged for the full aftercare program have the best long-term outcomes. 

  • How long does your outpatient program for addiction last?

    Clients attending our outpatient program are asked to sign a Continuing Care Contract that identifies the expectations that members of the program will attend 44 of the weekly group therapy sessions over the course of a year-long period. In addition, clients are expected to attend a minimum of three AA/NA 12 Step meetings and work with a sponsor. Some of our clients continue with individual sessions beyond the continuing care program.

  • How does the care continuum support individuals through different stages of addiction recovery?

    The continuum of care is designed to be a taper from intense care to ongoing support. Clients with severe substance use disorders will begin at the higher levels of care and taper through the levels of care as they develop tools and resiliency. Many rely on outpatient treatment for ongoing support as they navigate a sober life and build a meaningful life in recovery. Clients engaged in BTG’s Outpatient Program receive on-going support and case management to complete the BTG treatment experience.  

  • How does Bridging the Gaps ensure a smooth transition between different levels of care within the continuum?

    Each client’s journey is unique. We determine transitions between the levels of care based on completion of treatment objectives. Upon successful completion of any stage of care, the client is provided the opportunity to transition to the next least restrictive phase providing continuation of treatment in a familiar and safe setting.  


Your Addiction Treatment Could Be Covered

If you do not see your provider listed, please contact us to learn more about obtaining coverage. We do not accept Medicaid at this time.


Contact Us

A Caring and Helping Hand Is Just A Call Away

We welcome you to call our Admissions Director, Sue Dennis, at (540) 535-1111 to discuss admitting yourself or a loved one for treatment. However, if you would first like us to verify your insurance, use this form or get in touch via phone or email.


31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601


(540) 535-1111



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