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31 S. Braddock St. | Winchester, VA 22601

(540) 535-1111 | Available 24/7

Using Spirituality to Move Forward From Addiction

Using Spirituality to Move Forward From Addiction

By: Sally Writes

Addiction and substance abuse can be very much a solitary experience. Everyone experiences addiction in different ways. The symptoms may be similar, but the experience is something that is very individual. It is paramount, however, that recovering from substance abuse isn’t isolating. It is vital to look at the bigger picture and have a whole-person approach. Embracing your spirituality is a very important part of working toward a successful recovery.

Spirituality is the belief in a bigger picture. It is the belief that we are all connected and that there is a place for us in the world. It is an understanding that we are linked to nature and the universe. It is not about religion, religious devotion, or self-sacrifice. Spirituality tells us that there is a meaning to our lives. Looking to spirituality if you are recovering from substance abuse is important because it will link together both mind, body, and spirit and help you to look outside of yourself. There is far more to life than addiction and you can move away from this. Getting outside and experiencing nature and the outside world is a part of this. Walking through the beautiful Jim Barnett State Park in Winchester can put you in touch with nature and spirituality.

Meditation is good for the soul. It helps you to ground negative feelings and emotions and get them under control. It lowers blood pressure and heart rate and reduces stress. Having this calm and neutral space can help give you a better understanding of yourself. In terms of healing, this is essential and group studies have shown that using meditation and spirituality helps the recovery process. Meditation focuses thought and concentration on our own consciousness and how it is linked with the wider world.

Reiki is a Japanese relaxation technique that reduces stress and helps to heal the body. Reiki treats the whole body and including your emotions and your mind. Reiki can give you a sense of wonderful well-being and reduce your stress. If we have less stress in our lives then we stay healthier and are generally happier. This feeling of peace and security can help calm the mind and gives a sense of self-awareness and place in the world. Reiki is a very spiritual technique of healing. Using meditation and Reiki techniques will help to guide your spirituality onto a good path. It can move your mind away from substance abuse and towards a better future. A future where your mind is clear, free, and looking at the bigger picture.

Awakening Your Own Spirituality

Here at Bridging the Gaps, an individual journey is able to experience their own spiritual journey. Meditation practices, reiki, and yoga are all ways we help to guide clients in their recovery process. Emphasizing this part of one’s being, individuals are able to gather a greater picture of their life, led in a positive and healthy way. Blog posting contributed by our guest Sally. Thank you, Sally!