12 Things That Treatment Has Given To Me
The popular song "12 days of Christmas" is sung many times throughout December along with the Christmas season. But did you know, it is actually about the 12 days to follow Christmas? In light of this idea, we added our own twist. "12 Things That Treatment Has Given to Me." Life is full of ups and downs, lefts and rights. Even with the chaos, however, there can renewed life...renewed hope...renewed peace. This holiday season, we provided our clients some space to share some of the things that recovery has given to them.
1. "Another opportunity at life. It has given me a chance to really get the help that I need."
2. "Hope that things may work our for me and that I have potential to be better."
3. "Has shown me that people do care through knowing the staff and the clients. I'm so grateful for being introduced to this program and the opportunity it brings me."
4. "Hope and promise of a new way to live."
5. "The tools needed in repairing the relationships with my children, friends, and family."
6. "New, sober memories and my family peace of mind."
7. "Friends to share the holidays with."
8. "The will to live and hope for the future. Also, a whole team of people who genuinely care about me. I've never had people in my life who have ever made me feel as loved and accepted as BTG does. I will be forever grateful."
9. "A better relationship with my family, which is so meaningful and has only materialized due to my ability of staying present and sober."
10. "A new found hope and happiness in getting sober."
11. "Strength and the willingness of a group of fellow addicts, and surrounding community has made a huge impact in my life. The fact BTG promotes this extensively, allowed me to make a big jump in a short amount of time."
12. "Hope. I never wanted to get sober and really never had the support. I love BTG."
Recovery is a beautiful thing. Individuals discovering life again, priceless. If you or someone you know is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, help is not that far away. Contact us today. We are here to offer hope, give light, and support your recovery journey.
Connect with us through email admissions@bridgingthegaps.com or call us at (540) 535-1111